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ROB|ARCH 2020 Publications @ CORO Journal

Dear Rob|Arch Community,

We hope that you are staying safe and productive during this challenging time.

Already early in the year it became clear that it will not be possible to host Rob|Arch 2020 in Beijing. While we were looking at several very promising alternative locations, the virus has continued to spread. Due to the current need for social distancing, it is now clear that Rob|Arch conference will not happen in 2020. Once international travel is safe and accessible again, we will continue planning for the next conference and will keep you posted.

We are amazed by the work our community creates. While the 2020 conference will not proceed as planned we have been looking for an alternative way to publish our community’s research at Springer, even without the conference. Therefore we propose that the papers currently submitted are considered for our partner publication: the scientific Springer Journal on Construction Robotics. Please follow the link below for more information on the Journal on Construction Robotics.


If you have submitted a Rob|Arch 2020 paper please transfer your work to the Journal on Construction Robotics. (https://www.springer.com/journal/41693). More detailed instructions for authors can be found at https://www.springer.com/journal/41693/submission-guidelines?IFA

The deadline to complete the transfer of your research paper is June 15th 2020.

We would like to invite you to participate in the publication process of this research by volunteering to peer review papers or by taking a larger role as an Associate Editor helping to manage the submission and review process. Please email Managing-editor@construction-robotics.eu if you are interested in reviewing papers or becoming an Associate Editor.

While we are working through this challenging time we remain optimistic and excited for the time when we can gather as a community, share our robotic research and party together again. We will be sure to update you once we know more about when and where this will be.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your understanding and stay well.

Best Regards,
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan & Johannes Braumann


Ethan Kerber

The scientific Springer Journal on Construction Robotics addresses an emerging domain for robotic application: construction and demolition. This domain has so far seen minimal robotic automation due the size of objects involved, a harsh, dynamic environment, and little exposure of civil engineers and architects to robotics in general. The recent years have seen growing efforts to alleviate this, and this journal builds upon this momentum for the topic of construction robotics. It aims at linking the robotics research community with researchers from architecture as well as civil-engineering. In doing so it covers the robotic automation of all stages: from pre-fabrication of customized large scale parts over on-site assembly and inspection to refurbishment and demolition.

The journal aims at becoming the central publication platform for the rapidly growing construction robotics community. Beyond accelerating and promoting this new domain the journal will allow architects and civil engineers to publish their work at the highest scientific level in engineering.

ROB|ARCH 2020 Update

We would like to apologize for the delay, we are currently investigating several options both time- and location-wise. But due to the developing situation, no decision was made yet. We will keep you updated.

Thank for for your patience!

Call for Papers: ROB|ARCH 2020: On-Site Robotics

Abstract Submission: January 9th, 2020

Full Paper Submission: February 9th, 2020 

Within the emergent field of research and design utilising robotic technology, the true potential is being explored deeper than ever before. Not only within the confines of research and development of high-end technology companies, but also through real world applications on construction sites the globe over. Boundaries between design and construction are beginning to blur as these technologies play an ever-increasing role from conception to physical realisation.

Now in its eighth year, and after successful events in Vienna, Ann Arbor, Sydney & Zurich, the ROB|ARCH 2020 conference will be hosted by Tsinghua University in Beijing. The theme of this year’s conference and workshops is that of “On-Site Robotics”. Currently, a broad term that refers to creative use of automated systems to perform tasks in construction or the adaptation of existing technologies designed for laboratory environments to the complex and unpredictable scenarios on construction sites.

This wide array includes, but is not limited to, industrial robotic arms, drone systems, walking robotic systems, autonomous rover platforms and 3D printing solutions. This extends to include the vast underlying technologies used to drive these digital design technologies including computational & parametric design, artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-machine collaboration and network digital streams.

We believe that this emergent field of research and application will lead to a significant paradigm shift that will improve the quality and capacity of all architecture, construction and engineering industries. The Association for Robotics in Architecture and Tsinghua Architecture School now invites researchers and practitioners to submit papers until February 9th, 2020.

For submission guidelines and detailed information, visit our submissions page.

Call for Workshops

Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2019

Submission eMail: workshops@robarch2020.org

Selected workshops from 2014 to 2018

Since the first Rob|Arch conference in 2012, the 3-day Rob|Arch conference workshops have been the centerpiece of the conference, allowing professionals, academics, and students to experience robotic fabrication at first-hand, with all the technological challenges and creative opportunities that come along with it.

For Rob|Arch 2020, co-hosted by Tsinghua University in Beijing in cooperation with Bejing Design Week 2020, China, we are again looking for high-end, hands-on workshops that appeal to both experienced robot users as well as interested beginners from a variety of backgrounds.

There are two types of workshops:

  • One-day pre-workshops are meant to prepare participants for the upcoming workshops, by e.g. introducing the basic programming framework to new users. They can also allow companies to showcase products that are interesting to the community. These workshops are usually invited by the conference organizers, though you are welcome to approach us via email with suggestions.
  • Three-days workshops are selected by a committee consisting of the local hosts and the Association for Robots in Architecture and should lead participants along the entire fabrication workflow, from design to production.

In addition to a sound, pedagogical concept for the three workshop days, workshop leaders need to provide us with a detailed description of the required hardware and software, as to assure that the workshops can be realized within the conference space. Workshops can be proposed by anyone, from universities and companies to FabLabs, startups and highly engaged individuals.

We specifically encourage collaborations between Chinese and international partners, as this allows the workshop team to more efficiently prepare for the workshop, while also avoiding the complex import of materials and machines on a tight deadline. The top 5 Chinese Universities have agreed to co-host partnered workshops.

Workshops can involve any kind of robots, from robotic arms to drones, autonomous vehicles and completely new machines.

As a reference for your workshop proposal, please refer to the 2018 conference’s workshop page at http://www.robarch2018.org/workshops/ and view the video documentation of the past conference:

2018: https://vimeo.com/293959879

2016: https://vimeo.com/172435465

2014: https://vimeo.com/98288079

The Association for Robots in Architecture supports each workshop with a total of 2500EUR. Depending on the size of the project team, choice of materials etc., additional funding through the workshop leader may be required to cover travel and material costs. Companies that support individual workshops with material or direct funding can be listed as workshop sponsors on the conference marketing material.

Please provide the following data as a Word file that includes a link to an uploaded ZIP archive containing the supporting material such as logos and images. Kindly do not use a free service where links expire within a few days. All submitted data, with the exception of points marked as private, may be posted online. By submitting the proposal, you agree that in case your proposal is chosen, the data will be posted online and used for the promotion of the conference and workshops. You also confirm that you are allowed to grant such usage of your images.

Workshop Title

Title and Subtitle of the workshop

Workshop Team

Names and institutions

Attachment: Logos of Institutions

Contact Data

Private contact (name, email, telephone number)

Public contact (name, email) that may be posted publicly online

Workshop Description

A short (ca. 300 words) and well-written, non-scientific description of the workshop that clearly describes the topic and output of the workshop.

Workshop Schedule

Sketch the schedule and structure for each day of the three-day workshop.

Workshop Participants

State any special requirements for the workshop participants, such as bringing their own laptop or special software. Be specific, e.g. requiring a Windows laptop running Rhino 6 for all participants. Ideally the workshop should be accessible to participants of all levels. Workshops usually sell out with at least 15 participants per workshop.

Provided Equipment

List the equipment that you are planning to bring on-site. If you are outside China, please consider how you will fund the transport and what kind of documentation (e.g. Carnet ATA) you will require.

Required Equipment

List ALL the equipment that needs to be provided by your host. Be specific where necessary (e.g. pressured air with at least 6 bar) and generic where possible (e.g. KUKA robot with at least 20kg payload).

Required Materials

List the type and amount of materials that you will require. Ideally state where the materials can be acquired in China and the approximate costs.

Supporting Data

Attach figures that are relevant to the workshop topic, e.g. showing experiments at your local lab. If available, provide links to previous workshops that you have done.